Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Because I am not progressing as I had hoped and am still dealing with a lot of fatigue and sleep issues, plus brain fog, I am going to try some T3 to see if RT3 is affecting me because of the long time I have been ill. I am my own science experiment, LOL. I do know that I am much better than I have been for many, many years, so my progress is ever upwards, although it seems to be stalled right now. I have been researching RT3 (Reverse T3) issues and feel in my gut that a temporary trial of T3 might be a good thing. Well, we will see what we will see. I look forward to this trial. I have had a lot of ups and downs, but I feel that I am on the right track. The adrenal fatigue is so much better; I am gradually ramping down on the HC and am on a much smaller dose now; close to 12-15 mgs per day, if that. Sometimes I forget a dose, which tells me that I am finally healing from the years of terrible stress. Hooray!

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