Sunday, September 16, 2007

Still in my iodine experiment and I have changed my protocol even more. I have switched from Armour to T3 only plus my HC to see if it will make any difference in how I am feeling, healthwise. I am also looking into Gilbert's Syndrome to see if this is part of my health puzzle. I am still sleeping very poorly and life is difficult, although not quite as difficult as it was two years ago. I still have a ways to go and still wanting to find a doctor that will be a partner with me in my health and won't fight me on tests that are needed. I would love to get some baselines on my female hormones now that I am post-meno, but the doc thought that since they would all be low as I am post meno it wouldn't be necessary! Gads, what is the problem with just getting a baseline to know how to proceed!?! So tired of fighting for what I need. It would be so nice to have a good doc, but they are far and few and about as scarce as hen's teeth to find one that isn't out to push drugs for every little thing! Most docs nowadays are just legal drug pushers. Yuck! Give me a good doc that will get to the bottom of an illness and treat the illness, not just a doc that wants to throw drugs at symptoms; one that is willing to look OUTSIDE the box and learn a thing or two. Patients can learn from docs, yes, but docs can sure learn a lot from patients if they would only choose to listen now and then and not dismiss symptoms.


Anonymous said...

Check out
There is definitely hormone help (including post-menopausal) with SottoPelle Therapy, a bio-identical hormone replacement that is amazing.

Catherine Clark said...

Mrs. rk, I see you have it so that I can't reply to you. I don't appreciate people coming on my blog to sell some type of therapy. Please do not post again selling something. This therapy is terribly expensive and out of reach for most, as I checked it out; it would be out of reach for me.