Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I should mention that I am still in my iodine experiment also. Still not taking any extra iodine; whatever is in my excellent multi, but no iodoral right now. I am going to do this for at least six months and then re-assess the situation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Catherine

Have you looked at the work of Rich Van Konynenburg or Amy yasko in connection with fibromyalgia?

Actually, on reading your blog a little more thoroughly, it appears you don't have fibro, just the hypo.

Still, you might find their work interesting, since so many women seem to add fibro or CFS to their diagnoses after first developing hypothyroid.

Sorry. Dont' mean to wish anything else on you.

I have to say though that a lot of my thyroid related symptoms (low body temp. cold extremities etc.) are resolving as I work on my methylation cycle.

You can find Rich's papers @

Great blog by the way. I couldn't agree more about doctors & big pharma.

It's tragic the way they push pills at you in this country w/out any concern about the long-term effects of a life on multiple medications.